We have a great idea for you...
a fun and inspiring team building event that fits with your organization's initiative for
innovation & creativity

A team building event
using the creativity of the team!
Perfect for...
Sales Events
Training Programs
How it works
Two or more teams of 3-7 people compete using their creative
minds in
an extremely fun game-show like event. Imagine Donald Trump's The Apprentice and the Family Feud rolled into one with a very high dose of creativity.
Each team works together to answer simple,
mind stretching, yet often hilarious questions (question examples).
Brainstormers is played in 4 parts. Each round gets progressively more difficult and the rewards are greater. Teams are given challenging and provoking questions that require
team creativity, and help to expand generative thinking and
creative perspectives.
Prizes are generally awarded to the winning team
- and, of course, the losing team gets a consolation prize. In addition to team contestants, the
game involves a team of judges of your choice.
How long
1-4 hours, depending on your needs.
How many people
We can accommodate as many people as you have, from 6 to 600. All could be players in the game or there could be a combination of players and spectators.
Brainstormers' teams can be made up of already existing teams, departments, divisions (product vs services), functions, or regions (left coast sales team vs right coast). You might even have one company compete against another. There can be as many teams as you desire.
Starting at $1,500 USD
It takes IdeaGuides only one hour to set up this gameshow in a location of your choice. The questions and challenges come from the IdeaGuides database and can be tailored to your particular needs.
Customizing Questions
We will customize questions to fit your organization. The questions could be general such as the examples to the right or specific to a business need, for example, "What are ways to improve our customer service?" or "What are things we can do to improve communication" or "What are things we can do to attract more customers." The possibilities for questions are endless.
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We offer: Facilitation I Training I Team building