Elements & Conditions
for Creative & Innovative Organizations

Bruce Honig, Principal of Honig IdeaGuides

I find it useful to divide the characteristics of organizational creativity into four distinct elements:

Creator(s) (team or individual)

Creative process (how ideas are developed and innovation accomplished)

Environment (context)

Creative product (results of the process)

Focusing on one of the four, to the exclusion of the others, can prove fruitless if they are not seen in the larger context of the creative act as a whole. To examine organizational creativity, consider all four elements.
The most neglected element is the environment, which is the total context of the creative act. An organization concerned with creating a climate that influences effective creative activity should consider minimally the following necessary environmental conditions:

Resources: provide appropriate and sufficient job-related tools, information and human resources.

Security: provide competitive wages ... decisions are perceived to be made in the interest of employees;

Trust: allows for employee appropriate responsibility and autonomy ... allow for mistakes and emphasize successes;

Reward/ recognition: feedback, recognition and reward.

If a business wishes to excel in its creative activity consider these additional environmental conditions:

Mission: Clear, focused and articulated purpose of roles, team and organization. Rules (policies) and values are clearly established and communicated

Communication: unimpeded communication of organizational and project changes, decision, and policies. Opportunity to voice concerns, understandings and ideas and be heard

Structure: a fluid & "logical" organizational structure. Decisions are made in appropriate places for maximum fluidity and speed

Stimulation: programs to inspire ideas and perspectives. Finding unique solutions to all problems becomes an ethic of the company

Requirements: The requirements, direction & constraints of projects are established and communicated. Requirements are emphasized ... not the approach.

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